Hi Emo Todorov, I was trying to load a demonstration from the real Baxter robot to a mujoco simulation based on the baxter.xml file provided in the mujoco resources. Initially I just want to try with position actuators. A demo performed on the real robot is stored and then replayed on the mujoco engine at the same rate as it was sampled. But the mujoco baxter goes elsewhere, for sanity check I tried the default neutral position of baxter on mujoco. Attached are the results from Gazebo and Mujoco. Why is there a mismatch? I guess it has to do something with the frame conventions followed in the xml file. What might be a quick fix for this? If that is the case is there a better way to load from demonstration? Best, Michael
Hi Michael, There can be quite a few reasons for this behavior 1) Mismatched joint ordering between the demo file and the XML. 2) Misaligned joint convention between the demo file and the XML -- maybe the zero points are different or positive direction is flipped. 3) Others The XML file provided in the Mujoco resources was generated from the official rethink robotics URDF files. I double-checked the XML to the URDF that I have. Without access to your hardware setup, it will be difficult for me to exactly pinpoint what the real issue is. Will it be possible for you to provide the URDF file that you are using in Gazebo? I can cross reference the XML to your URDF as a sanity check.
Also, it sounds like you are using position servos instead of setting joint angles directly. So the order of the actuators may be off. Check the XML to see the order of servos in the model. The vector mjData.ctrl is assumed to be in the same order.
Thanks for the replies. Yes, it was my mistake, I had torque motors installed instead of position actuators. That fixed, I constantly get following segmentation fault with Baxter XML file. None of the other XML files I have produced this problem. I captured it by running gdb. Could you please suggest something. Strangely the error doesn't occur always, sometimes it runs smoothly with no issues. Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 0x7fffa9ec6700 (LWP 7796)] 0x00007fffbd10b191 in mj_collideGeoms () from ~/mjpro131/bin/libmujoco131.so
This could be a bug, or you could be calling the library with null pointers etc. Would it be possible to send me the XML, as well as the lines of your code where you call MuJoCo? I assume this is happening somewhere in the middle of the simulation, when you call mj_step()? Or is it happening when you are loading the model?
It is happening in the middle of the simulation. Not always. But most of the time. I use mujoco_py wrapper for the simulation. But I have never faced this issue before. This is what I do essentially: compute inverse_dynamics from a known joint position, velocity and acceleration for the left hand, keeping all other joints same at the existing values. def inv_dyn(self, qpos, qvel, qacc): self._model.data.qpos = qpos self._model.data.qvel = qvel self._model.data.qacc = qacc self._model._compute_subtree() self._model.forward() self._model.step() self._model.inverse() return self._model.data.qfrc_inverse (this above model is instantiated separately ) Then I apply the computed torque using the following function. def exec_torque_cmd(self, cmd): self._model.data.ctrl = cmd self._model.step() (this above model is the main model on which controls are applied.) I have attached the xml file.
I tried loading your model in the latest MuJoCo HAPTIX and playing with it by setting controls and applying perturbations, and did not encounter any issues. I see that you are using it via a Python wrapper (the one from OpenAI I assume)? It is possible that in some circumstances the wrapper is calling MuJoCo with invalid data... this will be tricky to debug, but I will look at it again after the RSS deadline. In the meantime, what you are doing is not the correct way to compute inverse dynamics. When you call mj_forward, your qacc is replaced with something else (because the job of mj_forward is to compute qacc). Then when you call mj_step, qpos and qvel are also updated via numerical integration. So by the time you call mj_inverse, the data no longer matches what you specified. Again, I am not sure how the Python wrapper is calling MuJoCo, but if you were to do it in C or C++, the procedure is much simpler than what you are doing: 1. set qpos, qvel, qacc 2. call mj_inverse() 3. read qfrc_inverse
Another idea: there was a bug in box-box collisions which could cause a segfault in some model configurations. This was fixed in release 1.40 but you are using an older release where that bug is still present. I noticed that you have lots of boxes in the model. So try this: In baxter.xml, find type="box" and replace with type="ellipsoid" everywhere. If this gets rid of the problem, then the solution is to upgrade to MuJoCo 1.40.
Thanks for that suggestion. Let me try it out. In relation to the previous post, I switched to Cpp just to see how well it goes. As a start, I wanted to make Baxter reach a point with torque control using internal inverse dynamics solver. This is my controller. Could you please check this and tell me the way I am calling it right? I use Eigen library for matrix operations. The behaviour I see: The arm goes very fast to some other location. void quatdiff(mjtNum* quat_diff, mjtNum* quat_curr, mjtNum* quat_des) { mjtNum tmp[3]; for (int i=1; i<4; i++) quat_diff = quat_curr*quat_des[0] - quat_des*quat_curr[0]; mju_cross(tmp, quat_des+1, quat_curr+1); mju_addTo(quat_diff, tmp, 3); } void inverse_dynamics(mjtNum* tau, mjtNum* qpos, mjtNum* qvel, mjtNum* qacc) { mjData* d_tmp = 0; d_tmp = mj_makeData(m); mju_copy(d->qpos, qpos, m->nq); mju_copy(d_tmp->qvel, qvel, m->nv); mju_copy(d->qacc, qacc, m->nv); mju_copy(tau, d->qfrc_inverse, m->nv); mj_deleteData(d_tmp); } // simple torque controller void mycontroller(const mjModel* m, mjData* d) { mj_step1(m, d); //all are initialized //a test site in the xml file int test_site_id = mj_name2id(m, mjOBJ_SITE, "testSite"); //this is the tip point of the left arm int l_ee_site_id = mj_name2id(m, mjOBJ_SITE, "left_pad_center"); // this is the tip point of right arm int r_ee_site_id = mj_name2id(m, mjOBJ_SITE, "right_pad_center"); //test site mju_copy(test_site_pos.data(), &d->site_xpos[test_site_id], 3); mju_copy(test_site_ori.data(), &d->site_xmat[test_site_id], 4); //left arm ee mju_copy(l_ee_pos.data(), &d->site_xpos[l_ee_site_id], 3); mju_copy(l_ee_ori.data(), &d->site_xmat[l_ee_site_id], 4); //right arm ee mju_copy(r_ee_pos.data(), &d->site_xpos[r_ee_site_id], 3); mju_copy(r_ee_ori.data(), &d->site_xmat[r_ee_site_id], 4); //compute jacobian of left and right hand mj_jacSite(m, d, l_ee_jac_tmp.data(), l_ee_jac_tmp.data()+45, l_ee_site_id); mj_jacSite(m, d, r_ee_jac_tmp.data(), r_ee_jac_tmp.data()+45, r_ee_site_id); //reshaping Matrix<mjtNum, 6, 15> l_ee_jac(l_ee_jac_tmp.data()); Matrix<mjtNum, 6, 15> r_ee_jac(r_ee_jac_tmp.data()); //position error left and right hand for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { err_l_ee(i,0) = -test_site_pos(i,0) + l_ee_pos(i,0); err_r_ee(i,0) = -test_site_pos(i,0) + r_ee_pos(i,0); } //right hand orientation error quatdiff(err_l_ee.data()+3, l_ee_ori.data(), test_site_ori.data()); //left hand orientation error quatdiff(err_r_ee.data()+3, r_ee_ori.data(), test_site_ori.data()); l_ee_jac_pinv = l_ee_jac.transpose() * (l_ee_jac * l_ee_jac.transpose()).inverse(); r_ee_jac_pinv = r_ee_jac.transpose() * (r_ee_jac * r_ee_jac.transpose()).inverse(); //required joint velocities l_joint_vel = l_ee_jac_pinv * err_l_ee; r_joint_vel = r_ee_jac_pinv * err_r_ee; //current position, velocity mju_copy(qpos.data(), d->qpos, 15); mju_copy(qvel.data(), d->qvel, 15); //required joint accelerations l_joint_acc = l_joint_vel - qvel; r_joint_acc = r_joint_vel - qvel; mj_fullM(m, Mass_Matrix_tmp.data(), d->qM); //reshaping Matrix<mjtNum, 15, 15> Mass_Matrix(Mass_Matrix_tmp.data()); mju_copy(qacc.data()+1, r_joint_acc.data()+1, 7); // copying relevant data for right hand mju_copy(qacc.data()+9, l_joint_acc.data()+9, 7); // copying relevant data for left hand /////////////////////////////////THIS DOESN'T WORK///////////////////////////// //inverse_dynamics(tau, qpos.data(), qvel.data(), qacc.data()); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////****************** APPROXIMATELY WORKS****************////////////////////////// tau = Mass_Matrix*qacc; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //adding bias terms to tau mju_addTo(tau.data(), d->qfrc_bias, 15); mju_printMat(tau.data(), 1, 15); mju_copy(d->ctrl, tau.data(), m->nu); mj_step2(m, d); }