hey, I am trying to give 0 to all the position servos as input by setting Code: data->ctrl to 0. However when I am printing model->qpos the values of the joint angles are changing. I am not using any gravity. I have attached the xml file of the model I am using. My aim is to verify if the box in my model can be moved by applying force from the arm by applying torque to the joints. Kindly let me know if its possible to set end-effector point of the gripper directly(for which simulator internally figures out a joint configuration). Thank you
There are lots of internal collisions in the model that are causing the behavior that you described. Try visualizing the collisions and the contact forces to understand the undesirable behaviors and suppress unwanted contacts.
Thank you . I removed the collision check with the arm part. It is now able to go to the desired joint angle. However I am not able to make the arm move the box in front. I have attached a modified version of above file to make my task easier. I tried to set the joint angle position of first joint to 180 deg. While doing this action the robot arm touches the box and should move the box. However the arm stays there. Kindly help me to make the arm move. Can it be due to no mass specification of the bodies?
1) I still observe few internal contacts (yellow pancakes). Please be careful of those internal contacts. You can get rid of them by properly populating the contype and the conaffinity attributes of geoms, or by using contact exclude mechanism (easier of the two option) 2) The box is not moving as there is no degree of freedom associated with the box. Add joints (possibly a free joint) is provide necessary degrees of freedom to the box. <joint pos="0 0 0" type="free" limited="false"/>
Thank you. Adding joint to the box works. How can I visualize the collisions as you showed in your previous?
The default visualization option panel can be accessed by pressing F2 key on the official visualizers (mjHaptix / simulate) provided with the mujoco downloads.