Please give the qvel and qpos full description. I can't find the accurate information about these (inc. the official documetation). For example the qpos of object [-4.94039155e-06 -4.65361984e-07 1.72845264e-03 9.99999944e-01 -3.39572142e-07 -3.33721234e-04 -9.11633641e-09 7.09530773e-04]. According to the forum information 0:2 is position, 3:6 is quaternion position. And what is qpos[7]? Xpos (get_body_xpos) of main body is: [-4.92470031e-06 -4.98869331e-07 1.72604029e-03] that means the qpos[0:2] is really the object position. Xquat (get_body_xquat) of main body is: [ 9.99999944e-01 -3.65748081e-07 -3.33730850e-04 -1.04041401e-08] that means the qpos[3:6] is really the rotation quaterion. And what is qpos[7]? I have no idea and spent on it lot of time. Lets go to qvel. That object has a qvel [-5.58099964e-04 -3.81232796e-05 1.75899364e-01 -5.07648514e-05 -8.90142672e-02 -1.97177224e-06 9.44856324e-02]. Xvelp (get_body_xvelp) of main object is [-5 .58099964e-04 -3.81232796e-05 1.75899364e-01] Xvelr (get_body_xvelr) of main object is [-5.07653980e-05 -8.90142672e-02 -1.94054242e-06]. its in euler not quaterion. Am i right? And what is qvel[6]? Thanks!
The documentation is very clear about those quantities. Check what int nq;// number of generalized coordinates = dim(qpos) and int nv;// number of degrees of freedom = dim(qvel). You might even incorrectly access memory. Other than that you should provide the model you are referring to.
Thanks, the model is <worldbody> <camera name="track" mode="trackcom" pos="0 -7 2" xyaxes="1 0 0 0 0 1"/> <light cutoff="100" diffuse="1 1 1" dir="-0 0 -1.3" directional="true" exponent="1" pos="0 0 1.3" specular=".1 .1 .1"/> <geom conaffinity="1" condim="3" material="MatPlane" name="floor" pos="0 0 0" rgba="0.8 0.9 0.8 1" size="40 40 0.1" type="plane"/> <body name="torso" pos="0 0 0"> <freejoint /> <!-- joint armature="0" damping="0" limited="false" name="root" pos="0 0 0" stiffness="0" type="free"/--> <geom name="platform" type="box" pos="0 0 .15" size=".134 .3 .05" density="400"/> <geom name="holder" type="box" pos="0 0 .2" size=".6 .025 .025" density="400"/> <body name="balansier" pos="0 0 .35" > <joint name="balansierjoint" pos="0 0 0" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" range="-0.25 0.25" limited="true"/> <geom name="balancierbox" type="box" size=".3 .3 .2" rgba=".8 .2 .1 1" density="300" /> </body> <geom name="wheel1" size="0.41 0.05 0.41" pos="0 -.37 0.41" type="ellipsoid" density="500"/> <geom name="wheel2" size="0.41 0.05 0.41" pos="0 .37 0.41" type="ellipsoid" density="500" /> </body> </worldbody> Thera are no clear documentation, especially for mujoco_py. You can check it yourself-
And what is qpos[7]? Well you have an additional joint in your xml so obviously its that. <joint name="balansierjoint" pos="0 0 0" type="slide" axis="1 0 0" range="-0.25 0.25" limited="true"/> The mujoco documentation is very clear on what contributes to qpos and qvel You should address your complaint about the documentation of mujoco_py to the authors of mujoco_py. mujoco_py related questions are somewhat misplaced in this forum