Hi all, I'm trying to setup a draping simulation of textiles. Therefore I need a plate with a hole and a rigid body that go through that hole. Unfortunatly the simulation doesn't consider that hole and assumes my stl model as simple box. What's wrong with my model?
MuJoCo uses the convex hull to compute contact: http://www.mujoco.org/book/computation.html#Collision So your hole is simply ignored. You can view this convex hull in `./simulate`. I'm not sure how you could work around this. As I said in another thread, you could approximate the shape with a square hole, composed from four blocks.
Hi Roboert, thanks a lot for your help. I solved it with 32 blocks that almost form a nice circle. As the name Convex Hull says, MuJoCo is creating convex geometries for the contact model, but no concave ones.