You can use MuJoCo constraints (weld equality etc) to do so
You can update mjData.qvel field to add an initial velocity to the system
All physical properties being the same difference can arise from the collision detection mechanism. For geometric shapes (sphere, box, cylinder,...
MoCap bodies can be used to model objects that are being tracked by a motion capture system. Much like how markers used in motion-capture systems...
Forces can't be produced without contacts. Few things that I'd recommend checking 1) Is the simulation starting with colliding-bodies in...
The default visualization option panel can be accessed by pressing F2 key on the official visualizers (mjHaptix / simulate) provided with the...
1) I still observe few internal contacts (yellow pancakes). Please be careful of those internal contacts. You can get rid of them by properly...
There are lots of internal collisions in the model that are causing the behavior that you described. Try visualizing the collisions and the...
Hi Michael, There can be quite a few reasons for this behavior 1) Mismatched joint ordering between the demo file and the XML. 2) Misaligned...
That's exactly the purpose of userdata. Use it to you advantage. Make sure to assign an appropriate size to nuserdata field before using it.
I was able to reproduce the bug. From the primary analysis, it looks like a bug in the box-box collision detection that triggers in this specific...
The unit for time is seconds. I just confirmed this by loading a recorded log using the readlog.m script provided with the mjHaptix package. Here...
The resource page has been updated. Baxter is now equipped with electric parallel grippers.
Electric grippers were added to the model as end effectors.
Using geometric-shape (box) for foot-ground collisions.
Separate names with a comma.