Hi, I am using Openai gym in python and when i try my code with mujoco environments i got this warning: File "C:\Program Files\Python36\lib\site-packages\gym\envs\mujoco\mujoco_env.py", line 100, in do_simulation self.sim.step() File "mjsim.pyx", line 119, in mujoco_py.cymj.MjSim.step File "cymj.pyx", line 115, in mujoco_py.cymj.wrap_mujoco_warning.__exit__ File "cymj.pyx", line 75, in mujoco_py.cymj.c_warning_callback File "C:\Users\Juanpa\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\site-packages\mujoco_py\builder.py", line 331, in user_warning_raise_exception raise MujocoException('Got MuJoCo Warning: {}'.format(warn)) mujoco_py.builder.MujocoException: Got MuJoCo Warning: Unknown warning type Time = 42.4000. also i try changing the xml timestep but same error again Please help!
Not sure how OpenAI is propagating warnings. Some MuJoCo warnings have a type and are registered in mjData. But others are low-level things that do not have a type. They still have text though... and I am not seeing any text in what you posted.