mujoco_model->body_pos did not change the position

Discussion in 'Simulation' started by Jeff_hgrx, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. Dear all,

    My question might be related to mujoco_ros_control provided by ShadowRobot,
    but still hope to have some answers from you.

    I try to change a object's pose on the fly via ROS service call. The object is preloaded as follows:
            <body name="object" pos="1 0 0.6" euler="0 1.57 0">
                <inertial pos="0 0 0" mass="0.179594" diaginertia="8.80012e-05 8.80012e-05 8.80012e-05"/>
                <joint name="OBJTx" pos="0 0 0" axis="1 0 0" type="slide" limited="false" damping="0" />
                <joint name="OBJTy" pos="0 0 0" axis="0 1 0" type="slide" limited="false" damping="0" />
                <joint name="OBJTz" pos="0 0 0" axis="0 0 1" type="slide" limited="false" damping="0" />
                <joint name="OBJRx" pos="0 0 0" axis="1 0 0" limited="false" damping="0" />
                <joint name="OBJRy" pos="0 0 0" axis="0 1 0" limited="false" damping="0" />
                <joint name="OBJRz" pos="0 0 0" axis="0 0 1" limited="false" damping="0" />
                <geom name="case" type="box" size="0.005 0.025 0.075" condim="4" rgba="1 1 1 1" density="1500" />
                <site name="object_top" type="sphere" size="0.006" rgba="0.8 0.2 0.2 0.2" pos="0 0 0.01"/>
                <site name="object_bottom" type="sphere" size="0.006" rgba="0.2 0.8 0.2 0.2" pos="0 0 -0.01"/>
    I impemented a callback function in mujoco_ros_control.cpp as below. Sometimes it successfully update the object's position & orientation but sometimes does not. I tried to add "mj_step(mujoco_model, mujoco_data);" at the end but it caused simulation crashed thus it is comment out right now.

    bool MujocoRosControl::set_object_state_in_scene(mujoco_ros_msgs::SetModelStateRequest& rqt, mujoco_ros_msgs::SetModelStateResponse& rsp)
      const int xpos_dim = 3;
      const int xquat_dim = 4;
      std::string object_name;
      for (std::map<int, Object_State>::iterator it = objects_in_scene_.begin(); it != objects_in_scene_.end(); it++)
        object_name = mj_id2name(mujoco_model, 1, it->first);
        if ( == object_name)
          mujoco_model->body_pos[xpos_dim * it->first] = rqt.model_state.pose.position.x;
          mujoco_model->body_pos[xpos_dim * it->first + 1] = rqt.model_state.pose.position.y;
          mujoco_model->body_pos[xpos_dim * it->first + 2] = rqt.model_state.pose.position.z;
          mujoco_model->body_quat[xquat_dim * it->first + 1] = rqt.model_state.pose.orientation.x;
          mujoco_model->body_quat[xquat_dim * it->first + 2] = rqt.model_state.pose.orientation.y;
          mujoco_model->body_quat[xquat_dim * it->first + 3] = rqt.model_state.pose.orientation.z;
          mujoco_model->body_quat[xquat_dim * it->first] = rqt.model_state.pose.orientation.w;
          rsp.success = true;
          rsp.success = false;
    //mj_step(mujoco_model, mujoco_data);
    I also found out that this callback works well with body which has no "joint" inside, so was wondering maybe some additional assignment should be added (ex. mujoco_model->...) for a successful update.

    Sorry for the vague expression and thanks for any information in advance.
  2. Changing my code into below solved my problem. Hints are from:
            mujoco_data->qpos[joint_addr] = rqt.model_state.pose.position.x;
            mujoco_data->qpos[joint_addr + 1] = rqt.model_state.pose.position.y;
            mujoco_data->qpos[joint_addr + 2] = rqt.model_state.pose.position.z;
            mujoco_data->qpos[joint_addr + 3] = rqt.model_state.pose.orientation.w;
            mujoco_data->qpos[joint_addr + 4] = rqt.model_state.pose.orientation.x;
            mujoco_data->qpos[joint_addr + 5] = rqt.model_state.pose.orientation.y;
            mujoco_data->qpos[joint_addr + 6] = rqt.model_state.pose.orientation.z;
    Thanks anyway!