Hi all, Is there a method for creating composite objects with shapes outside of the box/cylinder/capsule range? Looking to create a hemispherical shape. Thanks
Hi, I have a similar question. I'm trying to implement a textile which geometry is predefined. That means it is flat but not a rectangle. Is that realizable? Thanks
You can use your own STLs. You first need to create a mesh asset of your STL (http://www.mujoco.org/book/XMLreference.html#mesh). Then you can create a geom with 'type' set to "mesh" (http://www.mujoco.org/book/XMLreference.html#geom) and then you specify a mesh asset by name: <asset> <meshfile="forearm.stl"/> </asset> <bodypos="0 0 0.35"/> <jointtype="hinge"axis="1 0 0"/> <geomtype="mesh"mesh="forearm"/> </body> There are some requirements to the STL, I have no experience with it myself.
Hi Robert, thank you for your answer. I tried to follow you suggestion, but unfortunately I can't realize it. I imported the mesh, but the composite plugin doesn't give me the opportunity to setup the textiles geometry based on the mesh. Or did you mean the import of a rigid body with a stl-file? Best, Marian
@Marian K. , my reply was for the original question from ac-93. I'm pretty you cannot create soft bodies from STLs. The cloth object is a network of bodies and joints. You could try to manually recreate this for a more free-form shape.
Hello Robert, What details can I do to construct a soft object from a STL geom file? I really need to test the custom soft object in MuJoCo, and whether the official MuJoCo engine has some limits for consideration of safety or stability? So are there some paths or tricks for testing new software features in MuJoCo or not? I really appreciate if some suggestions are provided.